Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Just a quickie (oo-er) I lost 3lb this week, totally made up after my little gain last week. Had a little bit of a treat day and gone 2 over, so worth it though! Goal for this week is 2lb :)

Sunday, 23 May 2010


So after my 0.5lb gain I've really tried to track a lot better this week but I feel that I'm eating too much. I've felt like that all the way through my few months on weightwatchers so its nothing new. I was hoping for a 3lb loss at weigh in tomorrow and I'm still hoping for that, but not as confident now. I've noticed I'm only nervous about weigh in when I think I might have done alright. If I know I've been naughty then I know I'm not going to have a good result at the scales so theres nothing to be nervous about.

As a little test I tried on the last pair of size 20 jeans I own, and the smallest pair I had. In March they didn't go further than my knees, a week or two ago they went on but I couldn't do them up. Last night I tried them on and they went on, buttoned and zipped up. So bloody chuffed with myself! So lets hope its a sign of a good result tomorrow!

Got another call from CID this week. They've had two girls in custody as I think I said in my last post and released them on bail til the end of JUne. They were meant to go back to the police station to get photos taken. I should be getting a call from a seperate service that deals with the identification. I have to watch a DVD with images of lots of different girls on it and pick out the ones who did it. Don't know why I'm so nervous. The same night I got the call from CID this week the officer who took my statement gave me a ring to make sure I'm OK and to make sure I understand the process. The police get a pretty bad press but I've been so impressed by it all. I thanked her for her patience on the night she took my statement as I was pretty upset but she just brushed it off saying it was part of her job.

Fifth silver seven tomorrow *crosses fingers* I'll back here to report either way.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

A Shaky Week

This week is the first week I've gained any since starting at the beginning of March. I had a 0.5lb gain which really I'm not too bothered about. I know I'll be back on track this week and heading for a reasonable loss. I got a bit complacent (i.e. lazy) and haven't been tracking properly. I also had a full on chinese takeaway the night before weigh in. Note to self: Never a good idea! Hoping for a 3lb loss this week, I'll reach my 5th silver seven then.

In other news I got a call tonight from CID. They've had 2 girls in custody today who they think might be the girls that mugged me two weeks ago so I've got to arrange to go and identify them from images. For some reason I'm really scared. What if I don't recognise them? It was dark and I've tried not to think about it since it happened, I was shaking when I got the phone call tonight. Eek!

Loving work at the moment which I know is in no way cool to admit, but I'm not ashamed. I'm one of those really irritating people who enjoys going to work. I never thought that'd happen! I know this sounds cheesy but I really really like my colleagues, all of them. I think thats even more important to me than most as I moved away from home for the job and don't know anyone outside of who I meet at work. Happy days. A few of us are talking about taking up salsa or zumba, or any kind of fun fitness type thing. Exciting!

I'm famished tonight, going down to 26 points isn't agreeing with me. God knows how I'm gonna cope when its like 19/20. Dear oh dear! Guess I'll have to be a bit more creative. I've also decided I REALLY want to be in the WW magazine. How cool would that be?!

Will hopefully post later in the week, I've been a bit crap recently!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Got my 10% stolen :(

So I lost 1lb this week after my weekend of total excess in the form of enough alcohol to sink a battleship which I was pretty damn pleased about! I helped clerk in at the meeting this week so didnt get to sit in the meeting but Kathryn, the new leader got me up anyway which was embarassing but also a proud moment! I've now hit the 2 stone mark and the compliments from colleagues are really making me smile! The best thing is that I can tell now and it feels amazing!

In not so nice news I got mugged last night by two teenage girls. I worked a late shift and have to walk a mile from the trainstation to get home. They followed me for nearly the whole mile, saying random things to me. I felt really vulnerable but just thought they were being silly girls and were going to just call me names or something, because when you're my weight it doesn't seem to be that uncommon. Looking back I really wish I'd gone into one of the takeaways on the way up the hill and told someone, they could have walked the rest of the way with me or something. I'd just got to the top of the hill, about 1-2 mins from home when they got me, told me to hand over everything I had and each held a knife near my throat. I just let them take my bag because it wasn't worth it.

I ran home and Mike rang the police, they were with me in about 2 minutes, took me back to re-trace where I'd walked and got me to describe everything that I'd noticed or that had happened. They're taking it really seriously and are investigating it. I have a lady assigned to the case who I can get in touch with anytime. Someone called today saying my bag had been handed in this morning, a lady found it discarded with everything in it except my purse. There was no cash in my purse which makes me feel better and I cancelled my cards straight away so they basically did it all for nothing. I'm pretty shaken and have been tearful on and off all day but I went into work and it has helped me cope. The lady from CID also wants to put an appeal for information in the local paper. I'm really impressed so far at how seriously they're taking it and it does make me feel reassured. I'm just thinking now about whether I should access some form of counselling, because of the job I do I could access it through work. I guess its something I need to have a think about.

In WW news, I haven't tracked today but I haven't overeaten at all, I'll be back on it tomorrow I just can't face counting and weighing everything after 2 hours sleep, eugh.

Hopefully I'll have nicer news soon!


Oh, my 10% keyring was in the bag...how very dare they, I only got it on Monday!