Monday, 12 April 2010

Shocked and amazed!

Wow! So I set up this blog purposefully at a time when I felt my motivation was waning and I wasn't doing too well at all. I Weigh in on a Monday and so missed last week due to it being Easter Monday. I did great over easter, had a KFC within points, had creme eggs within points and really really missed the fact I didn't have a weigh in. After that it sort of went to pot, I went out with some old work colleagues with good intentions and started off on gin and slimline tonic however then I had gammon at the pub (16.5 points - how?!) and it descended into 2-4-1 cocktails. I think the only saving grace is that I've had 2 days of training - an update to my 'Management of violence and aggression' which is basically learning how to restrain people on a mental health ward. It was basically 2 days of rolling around on mats so that must have racked me up numerous activity points which I didn't factor in.

I've also discovered 'Just Dance' for the wii and am loving it. A good weigh in was just what I needed, I've bought a weekly meal planner and and am going to plan plan plan, track track track for another fab loss next week! Its weird how a loss can make you feel...I wore a tunic top/dress and leggings to WI tonight and on the way felt really flabby. Knowing I've lost 1.5 stones now meant I walked home feeling like a different woman. The human brain is amazing!


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